Scrum Master

The Scrum Master organises team scrums / meetings and ensures each pack is making good progress. They are responsible for motivating the team and making sure any queries are dealt with.

Scrum Master: Theo Barber-Bany


The Secretary keeps track of what was discussed in each meeting / scrum and is responsible for making notes of these in a minutes document. They also keep track of the group attendance throughout the meetings.

Secretary: Julia Fellows

Product Owner

Product Owners are the primary communicators with the client and ensure the product being designed and developed by the team matches the client's requirements. They’re also responsible for monitoring any changes to requirements and recording the reasoning for this.

Product Owners: Julia Fellows, Tim Bradgate


The Librarian's job is to make sure all documentation is secure and organised on the teams shared drive. They also oversee the version control for the software and make sure that all changes made do not break the solution.

Librarian: Tim Bradgate

Report Editor

Report Editors ensure all of the documentation content is consistent and follows a constant visual theme. They also highlight any mistakes or problems they find with the team.

Report Editors: Matthew Dunn, Matthew Turton Parry

Risk Manager

The Risk Manager is responsible for the maintenance of the project risks and makes the team aware of any risks that are likely to happen. They have a mitigation strategy for each risk. They’re also responsible for documenting any changes to risk management methodology as well as documenting the reasons for any sudden changes in risk ranks.

Risk Manager: Mikolaj Bernaciak

Method Manager

The Method Manager is responsible for ensuring that any changes to operational practices are recorded and justified, be it team working, organisational structure or tool usage.

Method Manager: Matthew Dunn

Lead Developer

Lead developers are responsible for orginisation of implementation and monitoring progress. They're also responsible for ensuring that testing is thorough and correct.

Lead Developers: Matthew Turton Parry, Tim Bradgate

Lead-Dev Pairs

A programming pair consists of a lead developer and a normal developer. The developer sits at the computer and programs the current feature whilst the lead developer considers the overall program and efficiency, if the leads believes they can improve on the code the may do so but must explain why.

Open Plan Programming

What is it?

Open plan programming or OPP for brevity, is an implementation methodology developed by our team to improve productivity while maintaining quality. The team conducts implementation within the same environment and in close proximity,with each member responsible for their own unique tasks (these tasks are undertaken in unique development branches). Discussions and brainstorming is encouraged, this has improved the quality of the code and helped support inexperienced members by exposing them to the thought processes of more skilled members. Both experienced and inexperienced members are free to ask for advice and assistance when dealing with problems and critical implementation issues (such as the best use of data structures), this also allows each member to be aware of the current progression of development and provides everyone with information regarding the structure of the project - meaning members can quickly adapt and assist in the development of issues that were not assigned to them.

Why are we using it?

Following the phase 2 of the project and early phase 3 the team raised concerns regarding the progress of development whilst using pair programming. Despite the fact that all team members agreed that the quality of code had improved, the breadth of development was adversely affected. Through developing in an open plan environment with individual deliverables, we have improved our development breadth whilst keeping the advantages of developing in pairs (that being reduced stress and less erroneous code). This open environment also encourages inexperienced members to engage with the team and seek guidance, in addition this it promotes teamwork and the development/strengthening of positive relations.